Those who thought about themselves and turned their backs on the people during protests in 2022

Iraj Tahmasab, born in 1338, is a TV presenter, actor, director, and screenwriter. Tahmasab is a theater graduate from the University Faculty of Fine Arts. He started his artistic career by acting in the movie An Souy Meh, directed by Manouchehr Asgari Nesab, in the cinema. He has acted, directed, and written films such as Kholah Khirzari and Pser Khale, One Was One and He Wasn’t, The Sweet Seller’s Girl, Kholah Khirzani and Saronaz, Under the Peach Tree, Kholah Khirzari, and Bacha Nene in his artistic career. Tahmasab has also acted in the collections of Beautiful Hairdresser, Alang and Dolang, Weird Family, and Red Hat, and has appeared as a host in the Post Office program and the first appearance of the Red Hat puppet character on TV. Marjan Madrasi received some awards and commendations for her work: first place in the painting competition (Eshmink) 1377; the selected work of the women’s visual arts exhibition 1377; commendations on the occasion of holding annual exhibitions of Iranian women (Tajli Ehsaas); commendations from the Ministry of Guidance; and receiving a commendation from Professor Ali Akbar Saneti. Marjan Madrasi had more than 40 group and individual exhibitions until 2013. In the field of watercolor, he benefited from the guidance of the late Seyed Jamaluddin Khorminejad, and for many years, he has dedicated part of his time to teaching art, especially watercolor painting. He is also active in the fields of architecture, graphics, and design. Iraj Tahmasab is the brother of Nasser Tahmasab (double). Naser Tahmasab was born in 1318. He is a dubbing actor and he started dubbing professionally in the early 1340s. He is the brother of Iraj Tahmasab, a cinema director. Among the awards of Iraj Tahmasab, we can mention the candidate for the best screenplay from the 4th Khana Cinema festival for the movie “Smoky Glasses”. He and Hamid Jabali are one of the most famous movie couples, who showed their ability to everyone more than ever by making the Red Hat series for Nowruz. Fatemeh Motamed Arya is one of Tahmasb’s regular collaborators who has been with him in many of his successful works, although this collaboration has not been seen in their works for several years. The film “Little Red Riding Hood and Uncle” that was released in 1373 became one of the best-selling films in the history of Iranian cinema and one of the most memorable works for children. Also in 2001, Tahmasab had “Red Hat and Saronaz” on the screen, which was not as successful as the previous work, despite the great reception of the audience. Tahmasab returned to television in Nowruz 2018 with a new series of Kolah Karmazi and once again reached its peak. In 1990 and 1991, it increased its popularity by making the next series of Kolah Karmzi. Of course, the role of Hamid Jabali cannot be ignored in the success of these series. Tahmasab is currently releasing the movie “Red Hat and Grandma’s Baby,” which is expected to be a success.