From Pure Mohammedan Islam to Modern Perspectives on A*al Relations

In this article, we delve into the controversial case of Hojjat-ul-Islam Mehdi Haqshanas, a former deputy of the “Commanding the Good and Forbidding the Evil” headquarters in Gilan, whose actions have attracted significant attention. Please note that the information presented is based on publicly available reports and videos, and as such, it is crucial to approach the topic with caution and impartiality.

The Allegations and Involvement with Ayatollah Falahati

Mehdi Haqshanas’ alleged moral corruption case was brought before the clerical court in Gilan. However, reports suggest that with the intervention of Ayatollah Falahati, who is known as Ali Khamenei’s representative in Gilan, the case was somewhat mitigated. The precise details of the intervention remain unclear, and further independent verification is difficult to attain.

Connection to “Amr Be Maruf and Nahi Ya Mankar”

It is reported that Seyyed Mehdi Haqshanas was working as the deputy of the city affairs at the headquarters of “Amr Be Maruf and Nahi Ya Mankar” in Gilan. The exact nature of his duties and responsibilities in this capacity is not specified in the available information.

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August 4, 2023 | 8:50 pm