From Pure Mohammedan Islam to Modern Perspectives on A*al Relations

The dismissal of Reza Thaghafi, the former Director General of Islamic Culture and Guidance in Gilan province, has been making headlines following the publication of a controversial video on a Telegram channel. The video allegedly shows a private encounter between Thaghafi and a young individual at his workplace. As a result of these events, he has been removed from his position. However, local media reports claim the reason for his dismissal as “some marginals,” and official responses are yet to be released. Thaghafi, who is married with three daughters, has faced accusations of being involved in the suppression of last year’s protests and optional hijab regulations.

Prior to this position, he held roles in the publicity and public relations department of the Guards Corps in Gilan province, and he also served as the commander of the construction mobilization in the region. The controversial video has sparked widespread discussion, but due to its explicit nature, certain media outlets have refrained from publishing the full content. In the video, the boy is heard questioning Thaghafi about his weight gain, to which he attributes the pressures of his work at Ershad and the need to be cautious in his interactions.

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August 4, 2023 | 8:50 pm