From Pure Mohammedan Islam to Modern Perspectives on A*al Relations

The Night of December 26, 1324:

As per the customs of that era, Nawab Safavi was granted a last wish before his execution. Lt. Gen. Mobasr, also known as Timsar, was tasked with overseeing the proceedings. On the night of December 26, 1324, Nawab made an unexpected request for a meeting with Mohammad Mehdi Abd Khodayi, a member of Fadayan Islam.

The Eavesdropping Plan:

Timsar’s instincts kicked in, suspecting that Nawab might use this meeting to convey a message to his co-organization. To uncover any potential plans or plots, Timsar decided to install eavesdroppers in the cell where the two prisoners were to meet. The intention was to listen covertly to their conversation, hoping to gain valuable intelligence that could prevent any further acts of terrorism.

The Surprising Turn of Events:

With the eavesdropping equipment in place, the officers responsible for monitoring the conversation reported back to Timsar. However, to their disbelief, they did not hear any words being exchanged between the two prisoners. Instead, the sounds that emanated from the cell were unexpected and astonishing.

A Shocking Discovery:

As Timsar later recounted in his memoir, the officers’ impression of the sounds suggested something entirely different from what was anticipated. Rather than a discussion of plans or strategies, the eavesdroppers seemed to overhear sounds of intimacy. Their incredulous assessment was that the two prisoners engaged in an intimate act, possibly a farewell gesture.

Interpreting the Strange Encounter:

The exact nature of the encounter remains a subject of speculation, and it is unclear why Nawab Safavi requested such a meeting or what transpired between the two inmates. Some have theorized that Nawab might have sought solace or forgiveness through this final act, while others have questioned if it was an attempt to defy his captors in his last moments.

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August 4, 2023 | 8:50 pm