Ali Khomeini, criticizing the approach of government officials, called “the solution” the “return” of sovereignty to the people

Ali Khomeini lived in Qom until a few years ago and immigrated to Iraq and the city of Najaf in 2017, and currently he is teaching in the Holy Mosque of Najaf Ashraf. Like his older brothers, Seyyed Hasan Khomeini and Seydiaser Khomeini, he had a seminary education, and after finishing his studies, he started teaching. For example, in the academic year 87-88, he taught the book of logic of Muzafar in the Razavieh School of Qom, and some time after, they were considered the professors of the higher levels of the seminary of Qom, and they taught the merits of Sheikh Ansari. Apart from these, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani’s family, which played a significant role in bringing Khamenei to the leadership, was also attacked after the new leader took power. His death was considered “suspicious,” like the death of Ahmad Khomeini, and Rafsanjani’s two children were imprisoned.