Young people enjoy skiing on the big track in the Darbandsar ski resort
If your skis or board are used or borrowed, be sure they’re tuned (waxed, with the bindings adjusted to your weight and ability to prevent injuries) and ready to go. If there’s not a ski shop in your area, plan on getting it done as soon as you arrive in town (resorts are used to providing a quick turnaround). Bottom line: it’s tough losing a morning dealing with gear issues when you could be on the slopes. If you have your own boots (new, used, or rentals), be sure to do what you can to break them in/get them adjusted to your feet before you leave home. Wear your boots and ski socks around the house. It may sound silly, but it’s important to practice walking before you actually get on snow and ice for the first time.
January 22, 2023 | 12:13 am