Unlock Retirement Excellence: Top 5 Global Leaders of 2023 Revealed!

Iceland: A Model of Sustainability and Integrity

Leading the pack with an average ranking of 2.5, Iceland claims the 3rd spot on the NGRI and the 2nd on the Mercer Index. Iceland’s retirement system is lauded with an “A” grade from Mercer, signifying substantial benefits, sustainability, and a high level of integrity. Positive changes in Quality of Life and Material Well-being sub-indices on the GRI Index showcase Iceland’s commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Icelanders enjoy some of the longest life expectancies in Europe, thanks to the country’s focus on well-being.

Iceland’s unique emphasis on environmental sustainability in retirement planning sets it apart. The nation’s initiatives to integrate eco-friendly practices and ethical investment principles contribute to a retirement system that aligns with the values of its environmentally conscious population.

Conclusion: In the realm of retirement systems, these five countries not only set benchmarks but also offer a glimpse into the future of global retirement security. From Switzerland’s balance to Iceland’s sustainability, each nation contributes to the evolving landscape of retirement excellence. Explore these leaders shaping the narrative for retirees worldwide.

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December 7, 2023 | 9:01 pm