Unlock Retirement Excellence: Top 5 Global Leaders of 2023 Revealed!

Norway: Strategic Balance for Retirement Brilliance

With an average ranking of 4.5, Norway is a standout performer, claiming the 1st spot on the NGRI and the 8th on the Mercer Index. Norway’s retirement system, rated “B” by Mercer, includes earnings-related social security pensions and mandatory occupational pension plans. Strategies for enhancement involve bolstering household savings, reducing debt, and increasing contributions to DC plans. Norway’s Material Well-being and Health sub-indices propel it to the top spot on the Natixis GRI Index, showcasing a balanced approach to retirement brilliance.

Norway’s commitment to sustainable investing and ethical financial practices adds a unique dimension to its retirement system. The nation’s focus on aligning financial strategies with environmental and social goals sets a precedent for responsible and forward-thinking retirement planning.

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December 7, 2023 | 9:01 pm