Those who thought about themselves and turned their backs on the people during protests in 2022 (serie B)

Ramin Rastad, born on June 2, 1351 in Mashhad, is a film and television actor and also spent his childhood in Bandar Abbas. Ramin Rastad has two brothers. Ramin Rastad is a withdrawal student in literature in the third semester of university. Regarding how he entered the world of acting, Ramin Rastad said: “I always wanted to become an actor, and after dropping out of university, I attended Amin Tarakh’s acting classes. Ramin Rastad started acting in 1375 by playing in the movie Harif Del. He became famous by playing in the series “Under the Razor”. In addition to being an actor, Ramin Rastad has also worked as a make-up designer and assistant director in cinema and television. He used to be a football player and followed football professionally, but then he gave up football because of his great interest in acting. Arshak’s name was chosen by his mother. I would have liked to name him Barak. Babrak Carmel was one of the Afghan heroes. I like this name so much that I even put it in places where a username is required. But his mother liked Arshak, and I saw that it is a good name and that it is his mother’s right to choose his name. My daughter’s name is Sadaf. Everything about school and Arshak lessons is with me. We have worked in a kind of division. My daughter’s lesson is with her mother, and Arshak’s lesson is with me. My relationship with my daughter is also very good, but it is natural that she is more comfortable with her mother. He was 14 or 15 years old. He did one or two roles, he appeared well, but he didn’t want to continue. Even in the film I made myself, I offered him to the agents to come and act if they approved, but he refused after the make-up test.

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September 25, 2022 | 8:36 pm