Also known as the “Shutdown Law,” the “Youth Protection Revision Act,” or the “Cinderella Law,” this law began to take shape following requests by civic groups in October 2004. The next year, Kim Jae Gyeong and Kim Hi Jeong of the Grand National Party proposed bills that were early versions of the Shutdown Law, but, they failed to see the light. Amendments to the Juvenile Protection Act were proposed twice again in 2008 and 2009 by Gyeong and Cho Yeong Hi of the United Democratic Party respectively. Though later, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family wanted to work on the amendments separately, they decided to do it together and completed their version in 2010. According to a study conducted by National Information Society Agency, about 8% of the country’s population between the ages nine and 39 and 14% of those between ages nine to 12 suffered from Internet addiction. The bill by the two ministries was passed on April 29, 2011 and came into effect in November that year.

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