Controversial Extravagance: Nawar Al-Sahili’s Daughter’s Lavish Wedding Amid Lebanon’s Economic Crisis


Nawar Al-Sahili’s daughter’s lavish wedding has become a symbol of the growing disparities within Lebanese society, exacerbated by the ongoing economic crisis. The incident has prompted reflection on the responsibilities of political figures during times of hardship and the need for accountability.

As Lebanon navigates through these challenging times, the public’s scrutiny of the political elite is likely to persist, shaping the discourse around the country’s future.

Oblivious to the people suffering from electricity, fuel, medicine, and water shortages, Al-Sahili seemed untouched by the multiple crises crippling the country, throwing an extravagant wedding only the very wealthy with strong wasta could afford.

The wedding had an over-the-top set of chandeliers and light decorations, which makes the observer wonder where Al-Sahili got the fuel to power them all while almost all parts of Lebanon are only getting 0-2 hours of electricity per day.

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December 20, 2021 | 5:28 pm