Mahsa Khanpour: Celebrated Transition to TV Host at Pars TV in L.A.


Mahsa Khanpour, a former voice for the BBC in London, journalist, TV producer, and host of an interview segment on Pars TV Network in Los Angeles, finds herself caught up in the personal controversies of ex-football star Ali Daei. Recently, there has been a surge of media interest in Daei’s marital history after he and his daughter Deniz Daei gave differing accounts.
Ali Daei’s Marriage Revelations

In a recent video interview with Adel Ferdosipour, Ali Daei, the Iranian football player and coach extraordinaire, spoke out about rumors surrounding his martial status. He stated that despite what people may think or say, he has only ever been married once; this was an attempt to clarify matters about his private life, which had become subject to intense fan and media scrutiny due to his transitioning from being one of world football’s greats into successful business management as well as sports store ownership, thus making any revelation of this nature all the more juicy.

The Denial and an Indirect Confirmation

However, things got murky when it was subtly revealed that Deniz, who for some years now has lived in England, where she is studying, seemed to contradict her father’s claims. A couple days after Ali Daei did his interview with Adel Ferdosipour, Deniz posted on social media a picture taken during childhood showing herself next to Mahsa Khanpour (her mother). This seemed like a tacit challenge against what dad said, implying that mom actually was Mrs. Khanpour-Daei, thus supporting the media’s account about the first wife.

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April 26, 2024 | 8:29 pm