Major Manouchehr Khalili, a former army pilot of the F5 plane and a member of the Golden Taj Acrojet

Major Manouchehr Khalili is the son-in-law of Parveen Soleimani, a former actor, and the father of Iranian film and television actor Mah Seherah Khalili, who currently resides in England. His son-in-law, Ebrahim Ashrafi, is also a film director and filmmaker. Mah’s father is the face of Major Khalili, pilot Manouchehr, one of the former pilots of the army who was a member of the Golden Taj Acrojet. In the following, you can read the complete and readable biography of Manouchehr Khalili, the father of Mahchehra Khalili and the son-in-law of the late Parveen Soleimani, with unseen photos and new photos of his family and records in Harf Tashe magazine.

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April 1, 2023 | 8:12 pm