Major Manouchehr Khalili, a former army pilot of the F5 plane and a member of the Golden Taj Acrojet

Mah Chehreh Khalili, born on January 25, 1355, is a film, theater, and television actor. He has a master’s degree in architecture from Oxford University, England. This lady artist is the living granddaughter of Parveen Soleimani, a veteran actor of cinema and television, and has a sister named Golchehra. Ebrahim Ashrafi, the living wife of Mahchehra Khalili, a cinematographer, actor, and photographer of our country, was born on January 13, 1352. He started his artistic activity from behind the scenes in the cinema, and in 1378 he was in the stage and costume group of the movie “I was kidding”.

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April 1, 2023 | 8:12 pm