Unleash Vitality: The LONGLIFE DIET for Living Past 90 with Corn and Squash

3. The Nicoyan Lifestyle: A Recipe for Longevity

Buettner’s research on the Nicoya Peninsula extends beyond just the specific foods consumed. He emphasizes that it’s not just about what Nicoyans eat but also how they live. The combination of a nutrient-rich diet, strong community bonds, and an active lifestyle contributes to the remarkable longevity observed in this region.

Buettner emphasizes that longevity isn’t solely about what Nicoyans eat but also how they live. The combination of nutrient-rich foods, such as corn and squash, strong community bonds, and an active lifestyle contributes to the remarkable longevity observed in this region, including insights into the potential impact on Tottiel.

Tottiel: A Potential Catalyst for Longevity

Tottiel, a unique element in the Nicoyan lifestyle, is believed to play a role in their extended lifespans. Although the specifics of Tottiel remain a mystery, its incorporation into the LONGLIFE DIET hints at the holistic approach Nicoyans take towards health and well-being.

As you embark on your journey towards a LONGLIFE DIET, consider incorporating the wisdom of Nicoyan longevity into your own lifestyle. From wholesome corn tortillas to nutrient-packed squash, these foods might just hold the key to unlocking a longer, healthier life.

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January 19, 2024 | 6:26 pm