Unleash Vitality: The LONGLIFE DIET for Living Past 90 with Corn and Squash

2. Squash: A Longevity-Boosting Veggie

The second key to Nicoyans’ long and healthy lives, according to Buettner, is squash. Packed with essential vitamins A, B, and C, as well as magnesium and potassium, squash offers a myriad of health benefits. These nutrients play a critical role in supporting bone, blood, and heart health, making squash a valuable addition to the longevity-focused diet.

Squash is versatile and easy to incorporate into your meals, whether roasted to perfection or added to hearty stews. Buettner suggests that embracing this nutrient-rich vegetable could be a significant step toward increasing your chances of a long and healthy life.

Buettner’s research sheds light on the significance of squash in the Nicoyan diet. Packed with vital vitamins A, B, and C, as well as magnesium and potassium, squash emerges as a longevity-boosting vegetable. Its role in supporting bone, blood, and heart health makes it a valuable addition to the LONGLIFE DIET.

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January 19, 2024 | 6:26 pm