6 Bold Hollywood-Inspired Posters of Saeed Jalili and Bagher Qalibaf Rival John Wick’s Iconic Imagery

Year 88: Unprecedented Participation

The 1988 elections saw record-breaking voter turnout and intense debates, especially between Mousavi and Ahmadinejad. The heated atmosphere of the tenth election period was notable for its widespread propaganda. This election was a watershed moment in the use of visual media in Iranian politics. Both Mousavi and Ahmadinejad invested heavily in creating compelling posters and other visual materials to sway voters. The intense competition between the two camps led to a proliferation of posters across the country, turning the streets into a battleground of images and slogans. This period also saw the rise of digital media, with candidates increasingly using online platforms to disseminate their visual content.

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June 21, 2024 | 5:12 pm