Georgetown University meeting; The attendees emphasized the necessity of overthrowing the regime

Golshifteh Farahani also said in his message that Ali Karimi and I are not politicians, but we are the voice of the Iranian people. We are the only reflection of your voice. He said that raising the type of government in the current situation is “treason.” Mrs. Farahani said that anyone who causes differences in the opposition is betraying. Masih Alinjad, as the next speaker, began his speech with the slogan “A woman of life and freedom.” Referring to the killing of Mahsa Amini in the custody of the Irshad patrol, he said that the name Mahsa became a symbol of empathy among the people, and her death marked a great revolution. Hamed Esmailiyoun, the next speaker at the joint meeting of eight prominent opposition figures from the Islamic Republic, said that everyone represents a part of this revolution. He said that we expect that after the Republic, the truth will be revealed and the wounds of our land will be healed.

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February 11, 2023 | 4:23 am