Georgetown University meeting; The attendees emphasized the necessity of overthrowing the regime

At the beginning of this meeting, Karim Sajjadpour asked the participants to be silent for a minute for the victims of not only the protests of the last few months but also for all the victims of the last 44 years. Shirin Ebadi was the first speaker of this meeting and said that the revolution started by Mehsa Amini’s death has no place to stand and its last stop is the fall of the regime. He said that if this government was able to stay, it was because we were not together. Masih Alinejad also mentioned people like Hossein Ronaghi, Majid Tavakoli, and Nasreen Sotoudeh when discussing the leadership of Iran’s protests and said that they could be the leaders of these protests. In response to a question about Mir Hossein Mousavi’s statement, Hamed Esmailiyoun said that any split in the government of the Republic should be welcomed, but people with the experience of the past 44 years have no illusions about reforming the Republic. Prince Reza Pahlavi said about the non-attendance of minority representatives in this meeting: “It is not based on an invitation from groups.”

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February 11, 2023 | 4:23 am