Appreciating of the actor “Reza Rooygari” in homeland

And be serious about it. There’s so much that impact you can make by planning. Not only will you be more committed to carrying out your goals if you take the time to write them down in a roadmap form, but you will also experience the power of the micro-moment if you know how to do it right. According to Peter Voogd, the most successful people spend 60-90 hours of planning per year. And these are entrepreneurs who are not yet retired, at the peak of their busy-ness levels, focusing on profit-producing activities. Imagine if you dedicated what breaks down to be an average of 1.4 hours of weekly planning during your retirement, without a full-time gig, where you have the freedom and liberty to really take ownership of what you want to focus on.

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October 27, 2021 | 10:07 am