Steph Matto Who Made Rs 1.49 Crore From Selling Farts Has Announced Her Retirement After Heart Attack Scare
“I remember within one day I had about three protein shakes and a huge bowl of black bean soup,” she told Jam Press. “I could tell that something was not right that evening when I was lying in bed and I could feel a pressure in my stomach moving upward. “It was quite hard to breathe and every time I tried to breathe in I’d feel a pinching sensation around my heart.” She believed that she might be having a heart attack, and headed to the hospital with a friend. Thankfully this wasn’t the case. “It was made clear that what I was experiencing wasn’t a stroke or heart attack but very intense gas pains,” she revealed. “I was advised to change my diet and to take a gas suppressant medication, which has effectively ended my business.”