Setareh Saeidi: Triumph Over Adversity – A Tale of Love and Resilience

A Serendipitous Union: Setareh and Bijan’s Love Story

The pages of destiny turned when Setareh’s journey crossed paths with Bijan Mortazavi, a luminary in the world of Iranian music. Bijan Mortazavi, renowned as a virtuoso violinist, composer, and singer, had etched his name in the annals of Iranian musical heritage. Their initial encounter held the promise of a fortuitous collaboration as Setareh assumed the role of program manager for Bijan Mortazavi’s events. However, destiny had greater plans in store for them.

The bond that developed between Setareh Saeidi and Bijan Mortazavi transcended the professional realm, culminating in a romantic connection that both surprised and captivated their fans. Their love story, however, was not without its share of controversies, primarily revolving around the substantial age gap between them. The age difference of 26 years drew criticism from various quarters, with accusations that Setareh was a “child wife.”

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August 17, 2023 | 11:06 pm