Decoding Parviz Sabeti: Sadegh Zibakalam’s Critical Analysis Unveiled

Sabeti’s rise within SAVAK, particularly as the director of the Division of Surveillance and Pursuit, underscored his significance during the tumultuous years of the Pahlavi dynasty. His clashes with military figures within SAVAK, such as General Nassiri, highlighted the inherent tensions between civilian and military leadership.

The late 1970s saw a transformation in Sabeti’s role as he became the de facto security advisor to the Prime Minister and a government spokesman. His televised interviews exposing plots against Iran, including those orchestrated by Saddam Hussein’s regime, showcased his strategic importance in national security.

However, the events surrounding the Islamic Revolution forced Sabeti and his family into exile, leaving a legacy that remains both influential and controversial. The departure of a key figure from the inner circles of power prompted a reevaluation of historical narratives and the role of individuals like Sabeti in shaping Iran’s destiny.

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December 16, 2023 | 8:37 am