Decoding Parviz Sabeti: Sadegh Zibakalam’s Critical Analysis Unveiled

Continuing the Exploration of Sadegh Zibakalam’s Insights: Unraveling Iran’s Historical Narrative

As we delve further into Sadegh Zibakalam’s analysis, it becomes apparent that his critique of the “Parviz Sabeti” documentary extends beyond the immediate controversies. Zibakalam’s unique position as both an academic and a former prisoner of SAVAK lends depth to his observations.

Born into a Shiite family in Tehran, Zibakalam’s journey from a critic of the Shah to a significant player in post-revolution government positions has been marked by intellectual resilience. His regrets over involvement in the Cultural Revolution add a layer of complexity to his perspective on Iran’s political trajectory.

The meeting organized by the Association of Thought and Pen, where Zibakalam dissects the documentary alongside notable figures like Mohammad Tousli and Dr. Ali Asghar Sabbaghpour, promises to be a crucible of diverse insights. Attendees will witness a nuanced discussion on the motives behind breaking the silence surrounding this historical period.

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December 16, 2023 | 8:37 am