6 Powerful Reasons to Support Massoud Pezeshkian for the 2024 Presidential Election

Professional Career

Pezeshkian’s career includes significant roles in healthcare and politics. As the Minister of Health from 2001 to 2005, he made substantial contributions to the Iranian healthcare system. Currently, he represents Tabriz, Osku, and Azarshahr in the Parliament of Iran. Despite failing to become deputy speaker in 2010, he served as the First Deputy Speaker from 2016 to 2020. Pezeshkian is also a member of the Iran-Turkey Friendship Society and an accomplished Quran teacher and reciter of the Nahj al-balagha, a key text for Shia Muslims.

Views and Policies

Pezeshkian is known for his defense of the IRGC, describing it as “different from the past.” He also advocates for the teaching of the Azerbaijani language in Iranian schools, reflecting his support for cultural diversity and inclusion.

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June 14, 2024 | 8:14 pm