Negin Mirsalehi: The Dutch-Iranian Blogger Who Redefined Beauty and Business

Negin’s Journey into Blogging

Negin’s foray into the world of fashion and beauty began in 2012, around the time she was completing her thesis in business administration and marketing. Her passion for fashion and beauty had been a constant in her life, with her interest peaking during high school and university.

Initially, she was unfamiliar with the concept of blogging and the potential for monetizing it. However, a friend’s suggestion led her to create an Instagram page and subsequently launch her blog. Negin realized that she could combine her love for fashion and beauty with her business acumen, laying the foundation for her future success.

The Gisou Brand

In 2013, Negin Mirsalehi took a bold step by launching her haircare brand, Gisou. What makes Gisou unique is its connection to Negin’s family’s heritage of beekeeping. The brand incorporates the use of honey from her father’s bee gardens and is inspired by her mother’s expertise in hairdressing.

Gisou’s journey was more than just another beauty product line; it was a tribute to her family’s traditions and a testament to her commitment to natural beauty. The use of honey, a key ingredient in Gisou products, is not only a nod to her father’s profession but also a symbol of her deep-rooted connection to her Iranian heritage.

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November 3, 2023 | 7:30 pm