Nasser Mohammadkhani, a football veteran, and his fourth wife, Sepideh

After playing for Persepolis for 5 years, he joined the Qatar team in 1365 and was able to play for this team for 3 years. In 1368, he returned to Persepolis and played on this team until 1373, and in 1373, he said goodbye to football as a player. After saying goodbye to playing football, he entered the field of coaching and worked as a coach for Persepolis base teams, then became the manager of a sports complex. At the age of 33 (1369), Nasser Mohammad Khani married Lala Saharkhizan, who had lived in Qatar for some time. Their acquaintance dates back to 1365, when Nasser Mohammad Khani was at the national team camp in Qatar.

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May 1, 2023 | 3:09 am