Monica Bellucci and Tim Burton: A Love Story in the Spotlight

A Journey of Discovery

For Monica Bellucci, her initial encounter with Maria Callas was as an unattainable diva. However, after reading the opera singer’s memoirs, she felt a deeper connection to Callas’s soul. She also shared insights into her experience in the world of cinema and expressed her gratitude to the directors she had worked with, saying, “I love men, and I think we can create a point of communication. Our liberation is also theirs. They can bring out their femininity just as we can bring out our masculine side.”

As for her future in the world of cinema, Bellucci hinted at the possibility of moving into production. While directing may not be in her immediate plans, she was open to exploring the world of film from a different angle. When asked about the theater, she admitted to feeling some uncertainty, saying, “Theater scares you because, unlike cinema, you can’t repeat things. There is a sincere, direct relationship, there can’t be any lies because you feel the audience, but the audience also feels you, and they say that in the theater, you can feel the soul of the actor. It was a very strong experience, but also a little painful because in a live show, anything can happen.”

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October 20, 2023 | 7:54 pm