Monica Bellucci and Tim Burton: A Love Story in the Spotlight

A Deep Connection

Between the two films, “Diabolik: Who Are You?” and “Maria: Letters and Love,” Monica Bellucci discovered a profound connection. She explained, “We talk of powerful women. The Giussani sisters were strong, intelligent women from the wealthy Milanese bourgeoisie who created Diabolik. You can be beautiful, sensual, and even intelligent. Maria Callas represents that woman there, who comes out of the stereotype of women struggling to assert themselves.”

Bellucci expressed deep admiration for Maria Callas, describing her as “such an eclectic woman who had the courage to live her life to the full, taking many risks. She wanted to divorce when divorce didn’t exist in Italy. She sacrificed her youth and childhood to work, then she sacrificed everything she had for the love of Onassis. This is why she inspires many artists, from Marina Abramovich to Angelina Jolie. Her strength is her passion and fragility.”

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October 20, 2023 | 7:54 pm