Mohsen Miri’s New Engagement: 5 Key Moments in His Journey of Love and Dreams

Mohsen Miri’s New Engagement: A Journey of Love and Dreams

Mohsen Miri’s new engagement marks a significant chapter in his life, filled with love and dreams. Born on November 20, 1985, in Tehran, Iran, Mohsen Miri is a renowned model, actor, and bodybuilding instructor. He began his career in fitness, later transitioning to modeling and acting, and eventually becoming a successful fitness trainer both in Iran and abroad.

Mohsen Miri and Ronak Younesi’s Relationship

Mohsen Miri, known for his charismatic presence, was married to Ronak Younesi, a former Iranian film and television actress. The couple met in 2011 during the filming of the TV series “Azad Fall,” directed by Alireza Amini. They got married in 2012, and their union brought forth two sons, Mehrsam and Mehraz. Despite being six years younger than Ronak, Mohsen and Ronak shared a strong bond for many years.

Ronak Younesi’s Background

Ronak Younesi, born on December 30, 1980, in Tehran, holds a bachelor’s degree in industrial design, a diploma in graphics, and a postgraduate diploma in photography. After a successful acting career, Ronak transitioned to become a professional gym instructor and trainer, currently residing in Canada.

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June 13, 2024 | 2:24 pm