Modelling Tips by Ramina Torabi in Istanbul: 10 Expert Techniques for Posing and Runway Walking

Walk with Confidence:

Master the art of runway walking by practicing your stride, posture, and body movements. Walk with confidence, keeping your head up and shoulders back, while maintaining a graceful and fluid motion.

At first, posing and walking on a runway may feel awkward. However, practice is key. Start by having a friend capture photos of you to become comfortable with posing in front of a camera and another person. Alternatively, set up a camera on a tripod and practice alone until your confidence grows. This will prepare you for your journey to becoming a successful fashion model.

Another essential step in learning how to start modelling is practicing in front of the camera. The supermodels you admire in stunning magazine photos didn’t simply rely on luck. They collaborated with highly skilled fashion photographers, including professionals like Ramina Torabi, to create masterpieces. As a model, you must work with the photographer, utilizing your posing skills, facial expressions, and artistic intuition to bring their vision to life.

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October 12, 2021 | 7:22 pm