Meghdad Nili: Unveiling the Influential Son-in-law of Ebrahim Raisi

Controversies and Public Perception

Despite their influence, the Nili brothers have faced scrutiny and controversy. In May 2022, during the “Sismoni Gate” scandal involving Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, allegations emerged implicating Maitham Nili. Though Mehdi Taib later retracted these allegations, the incident underscored the contentious nature of the Nili family’s involvement in political affairs.


Meghdad Nili’s role as the son-in-law of Ebrahim Raisi places him at the center of Iran’s political landscape. His influence, alongside that of his brother Maitham Nili, extends across key government decisions and appointments. Despite controversies, their significance within the 13th government remains undeniable.

Understanding Meghdad Nili’s background, family connections, and professional endeavors provides valuable insights into the intricate dynamics of Iranian politics. As Iran continues its political journey, the role of figures like Meghdad Nili will continue to shape the nation’s governance and political discourse.

For those interested in delving deeper into Iran’s political landscape, the story of Meghdad Nili offers a compelling narrative of power, influence, and family ties within the corridors of political authority.

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May 30, 2024 | 9:01 pm