Meghdad Nili: Unveiling the Influential Son-in-law of Ebrahim Raisi

Meghdad Nili: Unveiling the Influential Son-in-law of Ebrahim Raisi

Meghdad Nili, a significant figure in Iran’s 13th government, holds substantial influence due to his family connections and professional roles. As the son-in-law of Ebrahim Raisi, the current President of Iran, Nili’s involvement in political and administrative affairs has garnered considerable attention. This article delves into the background and influence of Meghdad Nili, highlighting his education, family ties, and the controversies surrounding his role in the government.

Who is Meghdad Nili?

Meghdad Nili, the son of Hossein Nili Ahmadabadi, the former Minister of Mines and Metals, has a prominent lineage in Iran’s political landscape. His brother, Maitham Nili, is the editor of Rajanews and a well-known figure in the Stability Front. Meghdad Nili is married to Rehanesadat Raisi, Ebrahim Raisi’s daughter, further cementing his position within the political elite.

Educational Background and Early Career

Nili is an alumnus of Imam Sadegh University, a prestigious institution known for producing many of Iran’s political leaders. His academic background and connections facilitated his involvement in the Quranic Institute of Imam Reza School, where he served on the Board of Directors during Raisi’s tenure as head of the Judiciary.

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May 30, 2024 | 9:01 pm