Meghdad Nili: Unveiling the Influential Son-in-law of Ebrahim Raisi

Influence and Controversy

Meghdad Nili’s influence extends beyond his family ties. During the formation of Raisi’s cabinet, there were speculations about Nili being appointed as the head of the presidential office. Although this appointment did not materialize, Nili’s influence within the government remains significant.

Reports suggest that both Meghdad and his brother Maitham Nili play crucial roles behind the scenes. Abbas Amirifar, a fundamentalist political activist, has pointed out the substantial influence of the Nili brothers in key government decisions. This includes their impact on ministries such as education and the appointments of various officials.

Rehanesadat Raisi: Meghdad Nili’s Wife

Rehanesadat Raisi, born in the 1960s, holds a Ph.D. in sociology from Tehran University. The couple has one child. Rehanesadat’s academic credentials and her marriage to Nili place her in a unique position within the socio-political fabric of Iran.

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May 30, 2024 | 9:01 pm