Martik Qarah Khanian spouse died After 48 Years of Marriage in the U.S.
Martik Qarah Khanian (born 17 July 1949), is a singer and songwriter. There is no right way to feel after losing your spouse. So many variables contribute to your reaction, including how long and happy your marriage was, how your spouse died, how old your children are (if you have them), and how dependent you were on one another. You may feel numb, shocked, brokenhearted, or anxious. You may feel guilty for being the one who is still alive or relieved that your spouse is no longer suffering. You might even feel angry at your spouse for leaving you. You may cry a lot, or you may not. How you grieve is unique to you. Be prepared for friends and family who may not know what to say, avoid you, or try to comfort you with cliches (such as “he’s in a better place”). Often, well-meaning people are uncomfortable talking about death, but it doesn’t mean they don’t care.