JFK’s Final Moments: Colorized Documentary Reveals Untold Stories

Voices from the Past: Among those who contributed to the film is JFK’s bodyguard, Clint Hill, 91, who discusses the guilt he still lives with that he couldn’t have done more to protect the president. Also featured Jackie Kennedy’s bodyguard, Paul Landis, 88, who has never before been interviewed as well as one of assassin Lee Harvey Oswald’s work friends.
In 1961, JFK became the youngest elected US president at the age of just 43. He was traveling to Texas in November 1963 in order to rally support from the state’s Democratic party for his re-election bid.
Despite warnings about his safety in the Lone Star state, the president was adamant about riding through Dallas in an open-top car. At 12:30 pm, he was shot multiple times, including in the brain, his death was formally announced 1 pm local time after he arrived at a local hospital.
‘We wanted to be able to present the theories and the subject matter to a younger audience and bring it to life in a different way that hadn’t been seen before,’ one of the producers Alex Nicholson told The Hill.
Nicholson told the website that it took their team 12 weeks to colorize the 53 minutes of footage that they had.