2 Iconic Entertainers: The Legacy of Seyyed Karim and Shahnaz Tehrani

Shahnaz Tehrani: A Journey Through Iranian Arts

Shahnaz Tehrani, born in 1954 in Tehran, is a celebrated Iranian actress, singer, dancer, and radio announcer. She began her artistic journey in 1966 with the TV series “Octopus, Samad and Sarkar Astvar” and made her film debut in “Samad and Hazrat Suleiman’s Carpet” in 1971.

Tehrani continued her education until high school before diving into a career in Iranian cinema and television. Before the revolution, she starred in 122 films and theatrical productions, including notable performances in several “Samad” movies.

She spent nine years working in prominent theaters such as Barbod Community Theater, Nasr Theater, Dehghan Theater, and Mellat Theater. Her career continued for a year after the 1979 revolution until she was imprisoned in Evin for a period. Like many Iranians, she eventually left the country.

In Los Angeles, Tehrani teamed up with Iskandar Hojjati (Hajijun) to produce over 300 musical and comedy programs, gaining immense popularity. Some of their most loved works include “Uncle Vegetable Seller,” “Man Delam Mari Ro Mo Hai,” “Be a Photographer,” “Dekht Gol,” “Jeeran,” “Adult School,” “Semno Furosh,” and “Rashid Khan.”

Tehrani’s career took her to various countries, including Canada, Turkey, Israel, and Georgia, after being deported from the U.S. due to lacking a work permit. For 12 years, she was a radio announcer and program maker on Radio Ran, broadcasting to Farsi speakers from Israel. She also performed memorable old songs in various programs.

In the fall of 2021, Tehrani launched “Mana Mandaj,” a women’s cologne in collaboration with her program manager, a product of France and Turkey.

Currently, Tehrani hosts “Bano Show,” a television program where she shares her memories, airing on Forio.

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June 23, 2024 | 9:03 am