Hamid Nouri’s Cries in the House of Martyr Amirabdollahian: 5 Key Lessons in Justice

Hamid Nouri’s cries in the house of martyr Amirabdollahian highlight the dramatic and emotional moments from his trial. The trial of Hamid Nouri, an Iranian official detained in Sweden, began in November 2019. Nouri was found guilty of being a key figure in the 1988 executions of Iranian political prisoners, where estimates suggest between 2,800 to 30,000 Iranians were massacred.

In early 2021, charges of murder and war crimes were filed against the former Iranian prosecutor, accusing him of “torture and inhuman treatment.” This trial marked the first time someone has been charged in relation to the 1988 massacre of political prisoners. Nouri faced more than 100 charges of murder and “a serious crime against international law,” with expectations that he would provide evidence implicating Ebrahim Raisi, president of Iran at the time of the trial.

Background of Hamid Nouri

Hamid Nouri, born on April 29, 1961, also known as Hamid Abbasi among political inmates, was an IRGC jail guard recruited by the Iranian Judiciary. He assisted prosecutors in Evin and Gohardasht Prisons and was a member of the Gohardasht Prison Death Commission in 1988. The 1988 killings targeted members of the People’s Mujahedin of Iran (MEK), a group advocating the overthrow of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

An audio recording posted online in 2016 captured a high-level official meeting from August 1988, where Hossein Ali Montazeri criticized the mass killings, stating they had been under consideration for several years.

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June 20, 2024 | 7:31 pm