What Not to Cook in Your Air Fryer: 6 Foods You Should Avoid

6. Cheese (Unless It’s Halloumi)

While frozen cheese products like breaded cheese bites or mozzarella sticks are suitable for air frying, it’s wise to avoid using fresh cheese. Most fresh cheeses have a low melting temperature, which can lead to quick burning in the air fryer. The exception to this rule is halloumi, thanks to its higher melting point. So, if you’re in the mood for cheesy goodness, make sure it’s halloumi to avoid a kitchen mishap.


while air fryers are incredibly versatile and can elevate your cooking game, it’s essential to know their limitations. Avoiding these seven foods, including rice, and opting for more suitable cooking methods will help you make the most of your air fryer while preventing kitchen disasters. Keep experimenting with new recipes, and enjoy the benefits of this innovative kitchen appliance for the dishes it excels at.

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September 4, 2023 | 4:42 pm