Foiling Lima Terror Plot: Arrest of Majid Azizi, Alleged Quds Force Operative

While the Prosecutor’s Office confirmed the intended target as an Israeli citizen, the identity of the businessman remains undisclosed. Allegedly planned for November, the attack was meant to coincide with the annual meeting of leaders of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC) in Peru. This unfolding international security incident, centered around the arrest of Majid Azizi, continues to captivate global attention.

Amidst the unfolding drama, Majid Azizi, now in custody, stood before the media at a police headquarters in Lima. The arrest, executed with precision, showcased the collaboration between Peruvian authorities and their dedication to thwarting potential threats on their soil.

Minister of the Interior, Víctor Torres, emphasized the significance of Azizi’s apprehension, attributing it to the “fine intelligence work” carried out by the authorities. General Óscar Arriola, Chief of the PNP General Staff, detailed the alleged plans of Azizi, revealing that the Quds Force member had intended to return to Iran on the very day of his arrest.

Azizi, with Peruvian nationality through his wife, was an integral part of the Quds Force, an elite unit known for its involvement in military intelligence operations beyond Iranian borders. This revelation adds a layer of complexity to the international implications of the thwarted attack, raising questions about the motives and connections that led to the targeting of an Israeli businessman in Lima.

Meanwhile, the fugitive Angello Felipe Trucios, believed to be the individual designated to carry out the attack, remains at large. The National Police of Peru has announced the possibility of including Trucios in the Rewards Program of the Ministry of the Interior, heightening the urgency in bringing him to justice.

As details continue to emerge, the Prosecutor’s Office confirmed the intended victim as an Israeli citizen. However, the identity of the targeted businessman remains shrouded in secrecy, leaving room for speculation about the potential motives behind this foiled act of violence.

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March 8, 2024 | 11:03 pm