Foiling Lima Terror Plot: Arrest of Majid Azizi, Alleged Quds Force Operative


In a significant turn of events, Peruvian authorities successfully thwarted a terror plot in Lima, culminating in the arrest of Majid Azizi, an alleged operative of the Quds Force. Azizi, accused of orchestrating an attack against an Israeli businessman, was apprehended alongside his collaborator, Walter Oswaldo Linares, while a third individual, Angello Felipe Trucios, remains at large and is considered dangerous.

The arrest unfolded as Majid Azizi, identified as a member of the Quds Force responsible for military intelligence operations beyond Iranian borders, withdrew money from a bank in Lima’s Plaza de Armas. This strategic location, situated in the historic heart of the Peruvian capital and surrounded by Congress, the Presidency, and other official buildings, served as the backdrop for the dramatic capture.

Minister of the Interior, Víctor Torres, commended the authorities for their fine intelligence work leading to the arrest of Majid Azizi. General Óscar Arriola, Chief of the PNP General Staff, revealed that Azizi, holding Peruvian nationality through his wife, had plans to return to his country on the day of his arrest.

The fugitive, Angello Felipe Trucios, purported to carry out the attack, remains elusive. The National Police of Peru (PNP) has indicated the possibility of including Trucios in the Rewards Program of the Ministry of the Interior.

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March 8, 2024 | 11:03 pm