Ebrahim Raisi’s 40th Day Ceremony: A Powerful Reflection on His Legacy

Legacy and Controversy

Ebrahim Raisi’s legacy is one of both significant political influence and deep controversy. His role in the 1988 executions of Iranian political prisoners remains a point of contention. Human rights organizations and survivors of the purges have long accused Raisi of crimes against humanity, a shadow that looms over his career despite his high-ranking positions within the Iranian government.

Raisi served as Deputy Chief Justice (2004–2014), Attorney General (2014–2016), and Chief Justice (2019–2021). His tenure in these roles was marked by a strict interpretation of Islamic law and a reputation for harsh sentencing. His election to the Assembly of Experts from South Khorasan Province in 2006 and his position as Custodian and Chairman of Astan Quds Razavi from 2016 to 2019 further cemented his status as a key figure in Iran’s religious and political circles.

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June 28, 2024 | 9:45 pm