Divorce of Reza Rooygari from his second wife, Tara Karimi, in Valenjak Court

Reza Ruigiri has been away from cinema and television for some time due to illness, and during this time, his wife Tara Karimi is by his side all the time and takes care of him. In the following, you will read the words of Tara Karimi, from her dating to her marriage with Royagiri. Karimi, who is 26 years old and is 43 years younger than Royari, talked about the story of his acquaintance with this well-drinking actress. Tara Karimi, who met Roygari in Shiraz, says that she didn’t know he was an actor before they met and says, I didn’t know him as an actor at all, and I hadn’t seen any of his work. To be honest, at the opening of a program in Shiraz, Reza Ruigiri was invited as a guest, and my friend was also in charge of hosting him. I met him for the first time when we went to the airport to welcome him, and we got to know each other during the few days he was there.