10 Minutes of Daily Walking to Extend Lifespan by Years: New Research Reveals Amazing Benefits

Why Daily Walking to Extend Lifespan Works Better for Men

Tom Yates, a physiologist at the University of Leicester and the lead researcher of this study, pointed out an intriguing finding: men appear to gain more from daily walking than women. While the exact reasons behind this gender difference remain unclear, Yates suggests that this area warrants further investigation. Understanding why men and women experience different benefits from the same amount of physical activity could lead to more personalized health recommendations in the future.

Co-author Dr. Francesco Zaccardi emphasized the importance of these findings, stating that daily physical activity, even in moderate amounts, is crucial for improving health and increasing longevity. He urges health organizations to launch campaigns promoting at least 10 minutes of brisk walking per day. According to Dr. Zaccardi, small, manageable changes in daily routines can lead to significant improvements in overall health and life expectancy.

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September 1, 2024 | 10:06 pm