Allure magazine published photos of the 72-year-old singer Gogoosh with her granddaughter Mia Ghorbani, a 20-year-old model

The women are not a monolithic group. Many across Iran have been proudly wearing headscarves as part of their culture and faith for centuries. At the same time, there is a broad swath of the population who do not want to be forced to wear hijab. It’s a situation Googoosh understands well. Her upbringing reflects diverse and pluralistic communities. The current protests are helping to disrupt the government’s repressive narrative. Schoolgirls are removing their head coverings in the classroom and writing lyrics to resistance songs on walls. Young women are cutting their hair in public (a Persian symbol of mourning and anger), while other women are removing their headscarves and burning them in bonfires or waving them above their heads while chanting, “Woman, life, freedom!”

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January 18, 2023 | 9:47 pm