Allure magazine published photos of the 72-year-old singer Googoosh with her granddaughter Mia Ghorbani, a 20-year-old model

In the 1960s and 1970s, at the height of Googoosh’s career, Iran’s Western-backed monarchy encouraged women to adopt European ideals of beauty to help phase out the headscarf. Women wore short skirts, sang in public, and danced at nightclubs into the early morning hours if they wished to. But after the Shah was toppled in 1979, a new autocratic government forced women to cover their hair to demonstrate its anti-Western stance and power over society.

Googoosh, the legendary Iranian singer and former actress, has once again captivated her fans with a breathtaking new photoshoot. The stunning photoshoot is a testament to her enduring beauty, elegance, and the rich cultural tapestry she represents. Googoosh’s illustrious career has spanned over six decades, and she continues to shine as a cultural icon both inside Iran and abroad.

In this new series of photographs, Googoosh exudes a timeless grace, blending contemporary fashion with traditional elements that pay homage to her Iranian heritage. Each image is a vivid celebration of her unique style, which has inspired generations of fans. The shoot showcases Googoosh in a variety of settings, each meticulously chosen to highlight different facets of her persona. From lush, ornate backdrops reminiscent of Persian art to sleek, modern environments, the photos capture her versatility and ageless charm.

The outfits featured in the photoshoot are a harmonious mix of classic and modern designs, reflecting Googoosh’s status as a fashion icon. Known for her trendsetting styles in the 1970s, which included her famous miniskirts and the “Googooshi” haircut, she once again sets the bar high with her impeccable taste. The clothing ranges from elegant, flowing gowns to chic, tailored suits, each piece enhancing her natural poise and sophistication.

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January 18, 2023 | 9:47 pm