Ahmad Jannati’s Wife’s Funeral: A Gathering of Iranian Leaders

Career Highlights: A member of the Guardian Council since 1980 and its chair since 1988, Jannati assumed the role of chairman of the Assembly of Experts in 2016. His reappointment to this post in 2022 solidifies his enduring influence in Iranian politics.

Views and Statements: Jannati’s views, often expressed during Friday Prayers, highlight his support for Hezbollah and his belief in the establishment of Islamic states. He has been vocal about his opposition to leniency with dissidents, considering it un-Islamic.

On the United States: Known for his anti-American stance, Jannati has consistently expressed hostility towards the United States. He believes in the eventual downfall of what he deems as the “arrogant rule of hegemony of America, Israel, and their allies.”

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November 9, 2023 | 5:54 pm