Rare Sighting of Homa Saadat Bird: Discover the Legendary Bearded Vulture


In the enchanting land of Iran, the legendary Homa Saadat bird, also revered as the bearded vulture, has recently graced us with its presence in Taleghan. This mythical creature, symbolizing luck and happiness in Iranian culture, holds a special place in the hearts of the locals.

Bearded Vulture’s Cultural Significance: Known as Homa, this majestic bird symbolizes prosperity and happiness in Iranian mythology. The recent sighting in Taleghan has reignited the fascination with this rare and revered creature.

Characteristics of the Bearded Vulture: The bearded vulture, with a wingspan ranging from 2.31 to 2.83 meters, boasts a distinctive appearance. Its dark gray, rusty, and whitish plumage, complemented by a beard-like band under the eyes, makes it a captivating species soaring through the Iranian skies.

Diet and Feeding Habits: What sets the bearded vulture apart is its specialized diet, consisting of 70–90% bone. The bird’s unique feeding behavior, dropping large bones from heights to break them into smaller pieces, plays a crucial role in ecological systems by preventing the spread of disease through carcasses.

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February 24, 2024 | 11:09 pm