10 Remarkable Facts About Ehteram Boroumand: The Iconic Actress and TV Presenter

Artistic Career Post-Revolution

After the revolution, Ehteram Boroumand focused on recording story tapes for children. In 2003, at the age of 57, she transitioned to cinema, debuting in the film “I Saw Your Father Yesterday, Aida” directed by Rasool Sadr Ameli. She later appeared in acclaimed films such as “Salesman” by Asghar Farhadi and “Gold” by Parviz Shahbazi. She also starred in the TV series “Sleeping” directed by Sirus Moghadam.

In 2009, Boroumand made a notable return to children’s entertainment, hosting the Children’s and Adolescent Theater Association celebration. She also ventured into audiobooks, producing works like “Autumn 32” and the “Proverbs and Their Stories” series.

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June 24, 2024 | 9:41 pm