13 Celebrities Surprising Lawsuits Of 2021 in homeland
Sahar Ghoreishi (born 27 December 1987) is an actress. Starting her acting career performing a role in the TV show Laj-o-Laj Bazi (English: Pertinacity) directed by Sayyed Mahdi Borgheyi in 2009, she gained fame among by playing the character named “Yalda” in the TV show Delnavazan. She is also active in brand endorsement and modelling. Here is a list of her works as actress, categorized by the Persian Title, Year of Presentation and Director: (English Translations are written inside parentheses in bold). The most prevalent cases happen when a celebrity feels like they’ve been slandered – be it by the press, by another celebrity, or just some guy on Twitter. Slander is serious business: If enough people believe a lie about you it can be perceived as real and in the entertainment biz, perception is reality. Here’s a list of celebrities who were slandered, and celebrities who sued.